Showing posts with label React Native Online Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label React Native Online Training. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 June 2023

What are the Advantages of using React Native on your Mobile App Development?


If you are starting your development journey in mobile application development look no further than React Native. React Native allows mobile app developers to save time and rapidly build more mobile apps. This React native framework allows building a mobile app on two platforms at once. Earlier React Native used the iOS code repository and synced to Android, however, later Facebook moved to a unified code repository for streamlining React Native. opt for a React Native Online Training to learn more about mobile app development. React Native is a popular framework used by top online brands.

What is React Native:

React Native is a programming framework from Facebook that allows developers the ability to build full, native mobile apps for both iOS as well as Android using JavaScript.
React Native allows developers to reuse code across the web and on multiple mobile devices. With React Native, app developers do not need to build the same app for iOS and Android from the start. However, they can just reuse the same code across each operating system. Moreover, with React Native there is certainly less difference between an app built in a device’s native code and one built using React Native.
This is an open-source framework and community-driven by a big number of developers. As these developers are ready to share their expertise, knowledge, and input to enhance and support the framework.

Advantages of using React Native for Mobile App Development:

1) Saves Time and Money

As its code is cross-platform, it is well-compatible with both Android and iOS. So, developers only build one app, and in the end, you get two apps. This however saves time in app development and also saves a lot of money that is put into building separate apps. With React Native companies no longer need to choose which version to build and launch first due. Additionally, the maintenance and updates are done on both apps at the same time which further saves future costs once the apps are built and launched.

2) Great Performance

React Native apps function just like a native app that was built on a specific iOS or Android platform. They are even fast since the programming language is optimized for mobile devices. React Native apps takes benefit of the graphics processing unit (GPU). This makes them much faster than other cross-platform hybrid technologies.

3) Increased Flexibility

The interface used in React Native makes it easy for all developers on a team to jump in where someone else left off and continue building. These further increases team flexibility and make it easier to update as well as upgrade the mobile app. It allows flexibility for testers who can build testing scenarios much easier. These advantages add to saving time and money.

4) Moveable

In some cases when you wish to move the app to another development framework in the future, app developers don’t require to start over. You can export the app from React Native to move it into Android Studio or Xcode. This is an amazing advantage of using React Native for mobile app development.

5) Easy-to-View Changes

React Native offers some features like live reloading or hot reloading. It allows developers to immediately view the changes made to the code in another live preview window simultaneously. This offers a great benefit to developers for real-time feedback.

6) Publish Updates for Your Apps Faster

Publishing updates for your app usually take a lot of time. Which requires developers to go through a build process again with each app separately. React Native however streamlines the overall process. Not only you can update at the same time, but the whole process is simpler and faster. As you can make improvements and updates for your users, developers can implement them through over-the-air updates, which can be implemented even if the users are using the app. So, the next time you open the app, the update is ready for the user. You no longer need to update the app through the app stores manually or need approval from Apple or Android. Thus, saving time and making the process much more streamlined.

7) Updating an Existing App

You can insert React Native UI components into an existing app without needing to rewrite the app. This makes a best if you just want to improve or enhance an existing app without fully rewriting it.


Most industries prefer to use React for its benefits. To show your capabilities in React Native Development, React Native Certification Course can be an ideal approach. Learn this development framework and cut down your mobile app development costs in half.

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